Thursday, January 19, 2012

This my first post over here in some time , I mean some long time . I had decided I was getting too grumpy , too critical of others and not spending enough time trying to change the person I have the very best chance of changing , namely me.

But lately I have been noticing a disturbing trend And at least I want to shed some light on it perhaps a different light .

Its not unusual that I am often reffered to as a " Social Justice " Christian , and when its said it is not being said as a compliment . There seems to be a movement afoot that is trying to discourage Christians from helping the poor and working for the rights of the marginalized , and weak.

The people who are doing this find a few scriptures that to them seem to imply God is not interested in the poor and then using the Bible as their moral touch point they use these verses to promote what I would call the gosple of shelfishness.

One I hear frequently is when Jesus said " the poor you will have with you always ". John 12:8

I Guess the assumption here is that Jesus is advocating world wide poverty ...I think that is the wrong assumption . First remember who Jesus was talking too , it wasn't to 5000 people gathered on a mountain it was said to Judas who was preparing to betray Jesus . It is also from the Old testament , the complete verse comes from Deuteronomy 15:11:
There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your fellow Israelites who are poor and needy in your land.I think Gods instruction here is pretty clear ...Help the poor and notice God does not say Judge them to see if they are truly in need .

Now lately I have been hearing people quote from 1st Thessalonians 3:10 " “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.” Now the assumption here is if a person is not working don't share with Him.

But is that what this verse is really saying ?

The context is the witness that Paul and his Ministry group provided to the Thessalonians ...Paul is really saying you folks should consider the way we have behaved while we were amoung you ...we all pitched in as believers ..our rules for our selves were straight forward , if a member of our Ministry team did not help witht the work ... ( the work of the Lord ) he should not eat . Paul then goes on to say that is what we expect of you . You claim ot be Christians now act like it !

We hear that some among you are idle and disruptive. They are not busy; they are busybodies. Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the food they eat. And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good. Ist Thessalonians 3: 11-12

There you have it the Message here is not to condemn people in the world for not working ..the message here is to tell the servants of God to get busy !
The Context of this verse was a challenge to those already in the Christian community. The principle is sound as a guideline to affirm that every member of the Body is a servant of our Lord Jesus, committed to obedient service. However, to make it a rule, especially one so unqualified and expressed to those outside the community of faith is not only absurd, but an abuse of Scripture.

To me this is just another example of why we need to read our Bibles. There is one Scripture I often use as a litmus test if you will to the veracity of Scriptual interpertation . It comes from James 3:17 : But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.

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