Thursday, June 5, 2008

When to Ponder and when not

Perhaps there are sometimes we should not try to write about the profound things , those times certianly depend on each of us as indivuduals and ..whats profound to one person may be a gentle yawn for another.

I found myself trying to make a profound point at 2am in the Morning , I would have been better off just watching COPS or the History Channel. Profound thoughts need an upright writting posture , a steaming cup of coffee, and undistracted focus.

Im sure it will happen again ...Lori will tell you that I am frequently guilty of over anylyizing just about everything expect where I put the daily accumulation of stuff from my pocket ( I have about 27 places carefully marked out in the house for that use as it stands today ).

I was trying to anylize what it is that I enjoy so much about Sunsets. I build alot of my life around the Sunset, I choose our dinning schedule and our social schedule around the time the Sun sets , and I have been very blessed at making very good choices when to race down to the local lake and get a good Sunset picture.

I like the variety , the surprise , the serenity of a Sunset . I love the flurry of motion when the shore birds seem to take wing just as the Sun sets as if they too are celebrating the end of the day. I love the colors , the changing colors , and the notion that each Sunset is unique.

2am this morning I was trying to make some clever comment about how Sunsets are the result of impurities in the clouds and therefore the sunset we as His own shine much better with our I might be on to something , but I think I need to take alittle more time to flush ( and that might be the right word ) that Idea out .

So for those who were unfortunate enough to read the post I just deleted and wonder if I was overdosing on Antihistimines apologies ...

Lesson Learned ..... not everything you think about after the sun goes down is glorious :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok now I've got to read the one you just deleted!