Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Bound to be some trouble

Looks like I have some catching up to do ...first of all I have been really busy uploading photos to a Nashville Book Project called " capture Music City " You and investigate if you want at " Capturemusiccity.com ) and you are certainly welcome to vote on some of my submissions ..some of you already have and thank you !
Tomorrow I plan to return to my stay in Oklahoma and Ken the early years ...today just a few snippets to catch me up.
I was very sad to hear that George Carlin passed away, I didn't always agree with his verbiage but I was always impressed with his passion and comedy.
Lori and I have decided to make the Smyrna Assembly our new Church home now we have to break the bad news to them ..( I am the bad news )
I have been really on the fence about the upcoming presidential election ...again seems like a choice between Spam and Liver and onions ...like when will we ever get Sushi on the menu ?
By that I mean it seems that if we lived in a city where we only had two resturants and both resturants only served Spam and Liver and onions we would find a new place to live or open a new resturant. Yet that is how it seems every election year. I usually choose the candidate I plan to support not by their Merits but by the groups and people who line up against them.
Anyway I had thought of a good reason to vote for McCain. But then when I saw that Both Dr Dobson and the NRA are coming out against Obama I think I'm Choosing Obama.
Dobson said Obama has faulty interpretation of the Bible ...respectively I would like to mention to Mr Dobson , that when Jesus said " Love your enemies " I don't think he meant for us to kill them. I find it very hard to understand the " Christian Right " not just because they are so wrong , but because they have so " honestly " driven the Christian Faith into the political arena .
I say honestly because it is my hope and prayer that this is not a malicious act on their part , that they are seeking to do good, but if they are seeking to do Gods will for the world , then I think they should spend more time in the Bible and less time in politics. That Evengelicals are so passionaltly for the war in Iraq , ( and it seems will support the upcomming war in Iran ) is a sad commentary on how little they actually read the Bible. Bottom line Christians are not supposed to be using the weapons of this world. we are to be a light to a world that is oppressed by war and selfishness , and show that there is a better way a way that Jesus Preached to promote peace.
As for the NRA ...imagine my surprise ...a large group of middle aged white guys who love guns ..are against Obama ....go figure. I find its easier to get a vicious argument from " Christians " about Gun Control than it is to get a disscussion about sharing your wealth with others less fortunate ... Im not sure why we have such a love for guns in this country but it does seem to border on Idol worship

Lori and I saw Wall E and loved it ....gets a huge thumbs up from both of us.



Lori Stilger said...

You know, Bear, you could so win one of the CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY awards!!! Check out the link on my blog; you deserve it, seriously. You take such awesome photos.

Anonymous said...

I know you don't know me but i ran across this old blog and just wanted to say one thing...

I totally agree with you that many Christians today (I am a devout one and it's good to hear you are too) are projecting their agendas onto politics and labeling them as "God's agenda." It's ridiculous and wrong and it is abused a lot by the far right.

I believe that when Christ said, "Give to God what is God's and to Caesar what is Caesar's," he was basically saying to stay out of the way of politics because they are of this world. And for the most part, politics are a matter of opinion - Christians can argue from the left or right side all they want about what is right, but to be honest, God doesn't tell us what is right or wrong in this area because He wants us to remember that the only perfect government is His Eternal Kingdom, which i'm happy to be a part of.

With that said, there is only one issue in politics that i believe is not a matter of opinion, but is a matter of right vs. wrong and that is abortion. It's the only moral issue in politics that we know what God thinks about. And there has never been someone running for president that is as pro-abortion as Barak Obama... and that is why, as a dedicated Christian, no matter how i feel about his other ideals, i could NEVER VOTE FOR HIM.

Obama is for the worst kinds of abortion. We should all know what that really means. Check out this explanation of it:


or this one:


Anyway, all this is to say that sharing with the poor is good and we should do that but i'd rather do that myself than give my money to a president who say's he'll do it but then is also for murdering human children this way.

Sorry to stir the pot.

Kenn K Stilger said...

Anonymous..thanks for the comments , all are welcome...Im not voting for either Candidate ...I would like to say that I am getting a little tired of the Abortion card ..
Lets be honest " legalized Abortion " exists because both Democrats and Republicans allow it to exist.
And I think its a little misleading to say you are Pro Life ..and use the Anti Abortion Stance as proof of your position , but Support Candidates who are for prosletizing war ...The war in Iraq has killed a significant amount of children , many by our own ordinace ..playgrounds if you wish to call them that are littered with the unexploded bomblets of our Cluster Bombs.
Pro Life to me means PRO LIFE ..not just being against Abortion ..I havn't found a candidate for President that is PRO LIFE...both plan on Proselitizing the War in Iraq both would use Military Force to Support American Policy in the world ...
Its great that you personnaly find Abortion repugnant ...my prayer is that you find all the ways we slaughter not just children but adults as well equally repugnant ...As Christians we are to love Gods people ...not shoot them